
Big Questions Online (BQO) aims to explore the “big questions” of human purpose, existence, and the universe — from science and religion to markets and morals. We feature essays by leading thinkers: philosophers, scientists (including Nobel laureates), theologians and clergy, journalists, and writers from other fields. Our essays often bridge the disciplines, and they are short and clearly written, so that readers from all walks of life can be enriched and enlightened by thinking about the big questions that are fundamental to who and what we are.

Join the conversation: BQO also aims to foster thoughtful discussion of these topics. We invite you, the readers, to participate in author-led discussions of each essay. (Click here to read our comment policy.) After each discussion closes, authors post follow-up remarks to address insights or new questions raised by the conversation.

We hope you will read our essays here on BQO and join our conversation about the big questions. And to make sure you keep up with our new essays and discussions, please follow our work on Facebook and Twitter.

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Big Questions Online is published by the Center for the Study of Technology and Society pursuant to a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. The opinions expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the John Templeton Foundation. “BIG QUESTIONS ONLINE” and “BQO” are trademarks of the John Templeton Foundation.