Michael Carroll is the COO of Global Coaching Alliance and the author of Awake at Work (2004), The Mindful Leader (2007) and Fearless at Work (2012) and over his 30 year business career has held executive positions with Shearson Lehman/American Express, Simon & Schuster and The Walt Disney Company. Michael presently coaches and consults with such enterprises as Procter & Gamble, Google, AstraZeneca, Starbucks, RED, and National Geographic Expeditions.
Michael has been studying Tibetan Buddhism since 1976 and is an authorized teacher in Kagyu-Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. He has lectured at Wharton Business School, Swarthmore College, West Chester University, Kripalu, Zen Mountain Monastery, Omega Institute (assisting Pema Chodron) and many other institutions throughout the US, Canada, Europe and Australia.